Part 6 in your new dream kitchen planning process will provide you with some very helpful tips to get you properly prepared for the eventual installation of your new cabinets.
Living Without Your Kitchen is Easier if You Follow These Steps
Remove your existing cabinets, kitchen stove, sink and countertops, and preparing meals can become a bit of a challenge to say the least. Proper preparation can ease the restrictions of your remodel a great deal. This post will share some tips on creating a temporary kitchen, keeping the right tools close at hand and stocking specific foods to make your new kitchen renovation run as smoothly as it possibly can.
Step 1: Setting up Your Temporary Kitchen Space
Before any major construction begins, look for an area of your home such as basement, dining room or perhaps even garage where you can set up a makeshift kitchen. Use a folding table for your countertop, making room for secondary appliances that make homemade meals a reality. Things like a toaster oven, coffee maker, slow-cooker, small microwave or even a single burner electric hotplate, and you’ll be surprised how much you can make.
Step 2: Keeping the Right Tools Close at Hand

When working in your temporary kitchen space, less is certainly more. So, using a plastic storage bin, gather the cooking utensils and cookware that you know you will need — those compatible with microwave cooking, and safe for use in the toaster oven for example. A similar bin could keep some other essentials like aluminum foil, plastic wrap, garbage bags and sandwich bags, then place everything else into storage until the installation is complete.
Further, you will need to accept that you’ll have to wash some dishes at some point, so you should determine how to tackle this. A great option is setting up your temp kitchen close to a laundry tub or even a bathroom sink will make things a lot easier for you.
Step 3: Stocking Specific Easy-Prep Foods
Take the necessary time to inventory your pantry and be sure to stock up on plenty of dry and canned goods such as cereals, canned and dry soups, canned fruit, veggies and more. Also, things like crackers, nuts, peanut butter, raisins and fruits make for quick snacks; while some already prepared and packaged foods like heat-and-serve entrées, fresh salads or a quick rotisserie chicken can usually be found in your local supermarket deli section.
You can also consider making ahead some of your own freeze-and-heat meals, and making good use of your slow cooker for bigger meals like pot roast and chili. As for the kids, packing their school lunch may be difficult during your new kitchen renovation, so consider allowing them the luxury of buying lunch at school instead.
Preparing For Your New Kitchen Installation
Some Essential Preparation Steps
Before our professional installers arrive, preparing for construction is a critical step in your new kitchen installation timeline. The inevitable dust and debris from both demolition and installation is always a concern. For that reason, we’ve listed some more helpful tips to help you both during and after construction, thereby easing your transition back to a having fully functioning kitchen once again.
- Try to seal off your entire kitchen space with some clear plastic sheeting
- Be sure to close all air vents on the same floor as the kitchen, especially during heavy construction days
- Close as many doors as possible, and keep them closed
- For any adjoining rooms to the kitchen, cover your furniture with blankets, plus bookcases with plastic
- Give yourself a break by planning family time away from the kitchen remodel project, including some dinners out
- If possible, create a main construction area in the garage or even outside (weather permitting) to help prevent both the dust and noise of construction from invading your main living space

Remember to keep in close contact with your Kitchen Craft Designer and their extended team during the installation process. They will be able to keep you updated as to the expected delivery of your cabinets, and when our team will begin the installation process. They can also provide even more helpful advise to make your kitchen remodel and install run as smoothly as possible.
Get started today!
Contact a designer at the location nearest you to schedule your first appointment.
Enjoy your new Kitchen Craft kitchen!
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