We’ve arrived at the seventh and final step in your new dream kitchen planning process, which will focus on including organization solutions within your design to help make your new space easier to use and much more functional as well.
Did You Miss a Step in Our Planning Process Series?
Since this is the final step in your process, we wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with all 6 of the previous steps, in case you missed one of our posts. So with that in mind, here are links to all of the previous steps in the series:
Step 1: Getting Inspired
Step 2: Choosing A Style
Step 3: Measure Your Space
Step 4: Set Your Kitchen Budget
Step 5: Working With Your Designer
Step 6: Preparing For Your Kitchen Installation

Keeping Your New Kitchen Organized – An Overview
Practically everyone has experienced the frustration of not being able to quickly find a particular utensil, pot, pan, plate or piece of cookware in their kitchen, especially when they need it to finish a task.
This is why adding clever and efficient storage solutions to your initial kitchen design is critical, and doing this step sooner than later will ensure that when you start using your new kitchen, everything will have a place, and there will be a place for everything.
Now, we’re not suggesting that you just start adding organization cabinets and accessories ‘willy-nilly’. No, you need to have a plan in mind and, with the help of your dedicated Kitchen Craft Designer, make choices that are smart and that fit your space and lifestyle.
For example, someone who does a lot of cooking, baking and overall food preparation will have very different storage and organization needs as opposed to someone who rarely cooks, and instead prefers to use their kitchen as more of an entertaining space.
That’s why your first task in this organization step will be to answer the following important question so that both you and your designer can start off on the right foot in terms of planning for the specific types of storage you are going to need in your new kitchen design.
How Will You Use Your New Kitchen?
The answer to this question will go a long way towards dictating not only how much kitchen storage and organization you will need, but also the specific types and where they are positioned within your overall design. To get you started, here are a few things to consider.
Begin by asking yourself how often you entertain in your kitchen, and are these typically large or small gatherings? Next, look at the cooking and food preparation aspect of your kitchen and determine how many people will be cooking in your new kitchen at one time.
The layout and position of your organization-focused cabinets is also very important, so decide whether or not you would prefer to have multiple, well-defined workstations in the kitchen. These could be areas where only certain tasks take place, and therefore have the appropriate storage features to accommodate those tasks.
These could be a food prep area, coffee station, a homework or home office area, bookshelves, open shelves and/or glass doors to display special items, or even a workstation for doing various stages of laundry.
Finally, ask yourself if anyone using your new kitchen has any physical limitations that need to be considered in terms of storage.
Always Include the ‘Must-Haves’ in Your Design
Must-Have #1 – Cutlery Storage
From the most basic, single-level cutlery drawer, to Kitchen Craft’s more elaborate tiered trays that can accommodate both larger cooking tools, as well as regular, daily-use flatware, having a place to store these items is a must.

Must-Have #2 – Waste Management
We know it’s a bit of a ‘dirty subject’, but one that must be addressed in your kitchen design nonetheless. Everyone, no matter how clean, neat and tidy you are produces a certain amount of waste. Could be in the form of recyclables, compost, just plain old garbage or a combination of all the above. No matter what the waste, you need to keep it organized, and Kitchen Craft has a multitude of solutions to do the job.
Waste Pull-Out Cabinet
Must-Have #3 – Roll-Outs, Pull-Outs and Slide-Outs
We currently live in the 21st century, and as a result, we feel that the act of bending, stooping and reaching to get something from inside a kitchen cabinet should be a thing of the past. Enter the roll-out tray and its many varied cousins, each one dedicated to making sure that you never find yourself kneeling on the floor of your kitchen and reaching into the back of a cabinet for anything ever again.
Below are four unique members of this family of truly magical cabinets. They come in several sizes and shapes, inside base cabinets, wall cabinets and even tall pantry cabinets. Ask your Kitchen Craft Designer for a full rundown when you meet to discuss your new kitchen and your storage needs.
Base Pull-Out Cabinet
Tall Cabinet Pull-Out
Base Corner Cabinet Lemans Pull-Out
Tall Pantry Pull-Out Cabinet
We hope that the information we’ve provided in our 7-step kitchen planning process series has given you the desire and drive to make 2022 the year that you tackle the task of getting yourself and your family into a brand new kitchen! No matter at what stage of the process you find yourself, rest assured that your are in very good hands with your Kitchen Craft Designer, who is dedicated to sharing their experience and knowledge in order to ensure that the new kitchen you end up with is something you will treasure for as long as you own your home.
Remember to keep in close contact with your Kitchen Craft Designer and their extended team during the entire planning, ordering and installation process. They can also provide even more helpful tips and advise to make your kitchen remodel go as smoothly as possible.
Get started today!
Contact a designer at the location nearest you to schedule your first appointment.
Enjoy your new Kitchen Craft kitchen!
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Phone: 780.465.6531
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Phone: 306.522.8949
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Phone: 204.661.6977
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R3P 2M6
Phone: 204.489.0455